The Ontology Repository
- The Repository allows to add, edit and delete an ontology location or name (local and external files).
- SORMAF also allows to select those ontologies the user wished to work with.
Searching for a class
- Searching throughout more than one ontology is possible. Once the ontologies have been selected the user is able to build the “query”.
- The output of this process is a list of classes.
Quick overview
In order to have a better idea of classes this feature proviedes an overview for the selected class -Object Properties, Data Properties, Instances and documentation.
Browsing (up to three classes)
Once the classes have been found and selected it is also possible to have a unified view of more than one class.
- Unified view for 3 classes. Users are able to compare by inspecting the selected classes.
- Augmenting the surrounding area for the view of the classes is also possible.
Detailed View
This feature facilitates the exploration of classes by providing a hierarchical representation of the ontology as well as a graph of the selected class and its relationships across the ontology.
Comparing two terms
The Plug-in allows users to compare classes by providing them with a side-by-side view.
Graph Visualization
The graph visualization, exporting facilities, customized view.